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2016 Are you sure....?(excerpt)
2015 Body watch (Trailer of dance video)
2012 Invisible Trace 繪無痕
2011  I don't want to  
        dance alone    
2010 One-way to love 單情路


Frankie HO Ching Yu


Upon graduation from the Musical Theatre Dance Program of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), Frankie Ho continued her dance studies in the U.S. at the Purchase campus of the State University of New York and the New York Broadway Dance Centre in New York City. Her studies in the U.S. were funded by the Music and Dance Fund Scholarship of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Under the joint sponsorship of the Jiri Kylian Foundation and the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Frankie attended a cultural exchange program at the Nederlands Dans Theater in Den Haag, Holland.


With financial support from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Dance Fund, Frankie choreographed and danced, with Japanese dance artist Taiju Mastumoto, a dance theatre trilogy - “Sky Diver and Coffee Girl" (2002), "Lost and Found in Babel” (2004) and "Blink" (2005).  Her other pieces include  "Invisible Trace" (Taipei/Hong Kong 2012), “I Don’t Want to Dance Alone” (2011), “One-way to Love” (2010), “Luv 70%” (2008), “Show Hand Show Leg” (2005),  and "Are You Sure" (2007), and dance video "Body Watch"(2015) commissioned by HKCCDC Jumping Frames.


Frankie had also been a part-time dance instructor for her alma mater HKAPA (1998-2014) and she co-founded HOOK Dance Theatre, Hong Kong. 

編舞/表演者 何靜茹 Frankie Ho

畢業於香港演藝學院舞蹈學院, 畢業後獲香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金赴美國州立大學及紐約百老匯舞蹈中心進修舞蹈,於2005年曾獲由Jiri Kylian Foundation 及香港藝術節頒發的交流獎學金到位於荷蘭海牙的荷蘭舞蹈劇場作文化交流。


何氏曾獲香港藝術發展局資助,與日本舞蹈家松本大樹聯編<飛機仔與咖啡妹>、<猜、程、尋>及舞蹈錄像<Blink>。 而個人編舞作品有<繪無痕 Invisible Trace> (2012 台北香港週)、<我不想一個人獨舞 I Don’t Want To Dance Alone 2011>, <愛你十分柒 Luv 70%>、<肯定…….Are You Sure?> (2007香港, 2012廣東舞蹈週)、以及<異型金剛>(首演及重演)、 <單情路 One-Way To Love> (2010)。


於2014年何氏被香港城市當代舞蹈團的跳格國際舞蹈影像展邀請拍攝委約作品<睇體 Body Watch>, 於2015年公演。

Collaboration work

Collaboration works

2014 Dance video work
Working title:
Enternity of seeking

(Work in progress)


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